Proving that even the undead have style...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010


We've been poring over photos for several days now and have picked out a few of our faves from this year's shamble. First, from the guys, is this psychobilly gent we encountered near the stage in Christie Pitts park. He had a great look. Three out of four girl zombies in our z-posse wanted to bite his style.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Post Zombie Apocalypse

Ahh... another Z-day has passed, with spectacular results.

I was out in Calaveras finery and took about 1200 pics of the horde before it dissolved into the rain. There were so many fine zombies; five thousand, six thousand or more. Roads were closed and people lined the sidewalks to watch, like a parade... but a parade that attacks you at random intervals. Few spectators were equipped or prepared. That's why this gent caught my eye.

I'll post more stylish zombies soon. But for now... here's Robin in street fashion ready-made for the zombie apocalypse. Bite him if you dare.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Black Magic Woman

 Jeel takes her mojo to the streets to round up infecteds. She's like the pied piper of zombies.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Voodoo on the streets of Kensington

Soon, soon it will be that time again... meantime, a spotting of some beautiful Fever Ray style on the streets of Kensington.